Saturday, September 7, 2024

Aloe Vera Gel For Psoriasis

Why Should We Use Aloe Vera For Psoriasis

Psoriasis Treatment at Home [DIY With Aloe Vera & Lemons]

Among many treatments for psoriasis, a large number of people highly appreciate the good effects of using Aloe Vera for psoriasis because of many reasons. Firstly, Aloe Vera is a common natural ingredient that has many medical effects. It is also safe, natural, and available everywhere. Thanks to its natural properties, people can use it to treat psoriasis not only effectively but also inexpensively. It has other benefits for your skin, beauty, and the overall health as well. In comparison with drug treatments for psoriasis, we suggest you apply Aloe Vera for psoriasis because it has the capacity of soothing the lesions and at the same time, it can relieve the inflammation. Furthermore, using Aloe Vera for psoriasis will not cause unexpected side effects. Thats why a huge number of psoriasis patients often look for effective natural home remedies for psoriasis to lower the risk of side effects. Also, because it is easy to find Aloe Vera, then we think that you can take this treatment easily and conveniently. The last reason for you to make use of Aloe Vera for psoriasis is that it not only helps you treat this lesion but also improve the beauty of your skin, at the same time. In general, if you are looking for a great method, Aloe Vera is not a bad solution.

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How To Use Aloe Vera For Eczema

Before you apply aloe vera, gently cleanse the area of skin with soap and water and pat it dry.

Apply a generous amount of the aloe vera gel directly onto the affected area of your skin and gently rub it in. The gel can be sticky, so let it dry before you get dressed.

Generally, you can apply aloe vera two to four times a day for relief, but your doctor might give you specific instructions for how much and how often to use the gel.

To Boost Collagen Production

To boost collagen production, aloe vera can be used topically or ingested. When used topically, aloe vera gel can be applied to the skin and left on for 30 minutes to an hour before rinsing. This will help to stimulate collagen production and improve the elasticity of the skin. When ingested, aloe vera juice or capsules can help to improve the bodys overall collagen production.

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Combine With Menthol Clove Oil And Witch Hazel

Many additional ingredients can combine with fresh Aloe Vera to treat psoriasis. Menthol, clove oil, as well as Witch hazel are also among the great combination with this natural home remedy.


  • Aloe Vera gel: 1 teaspoon
  • Vitamin E oil, menthol, tea tree oil, clove oil, Witch hazel, pine tar, cedar leaf oil: half a teaspoon each of them



  • Mix both Aloe Vera and cayenne pepper in a small bowl.
  • Apply the mixture on your skin after taking a shower or in advance to going to bed.
  • Let it be at least in few hours or one night.
  • Wash out with cool water.
  • Do the process on a daily basis.
  • Small note: Because cayenne pepper can cause burning sensation, thus, you should wash it off immediately if you this symptom appears. Then moisturize your skin.

Learn more: Natural Aloe Vera face masks

Aloe Vera And Turmeric Powder Gel

Pure Aloe Vera Gel Lotion


1 cup of freshly scraped aloe vera gel

3 tbsp turmeric powder

Blend all the ingredients in a mixing bowl until you get a creamy consistency.

Pour it in a container and refrigerate for future use.

Apply some of it on the affected parts.

Keep it on overnight and wash off in the morning.

How It Works:

The presence of curcumin, an antioxidant found in turmeric is extremely beneficial in treating psoriasis by neutralizing free radicals and reducing wound-healing time. The presence of vitamin E in almond oil nourishes and moisturizes dry skin and speeds healing process whereas aloe vera gel offers a cool soothing sensation on the affected part. Follow this ritual every night before sleeping to get rid of psoriasis naturally.

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Epsom Salts Or Dead Sea Salts

As buildup of dead skin cells is a cause for psoriasis, you can prevent it by treating your skin with potent exfoliators like Epsom Salt or Dead Sea Salt. Addition of these salts to luke-warm water, and soaking your affected skin in this water for about 15 minutes will have a dramatic reduction in scaling and itchiness. As it can lead to dry skin after application, you need to apply good amount of moisturizer on the skin.

How Aloe Vera Can Benefit Psoriasis

Essentially, aloe vera soothes the skin, reducing the pain and the burning sensation that is often experience with psoriasis. It also effectively moisturize is the skin, combatting the excessively dry skin that many psoriasis sufferers experience on a nearly continual basis. Because of its unique properties, aloe also benefits people who are suffering from psoriasis by taking much of the inflammation out of the skin that has been affected and allowing it to repair itself much more quickly. At the same time, the properties are intensifying the healing process and reducing the irritation that becomes so critical to psoriasis patients.

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How To Take Aloe Vera In Diet

The plant aloe vera can be grown in the vicinity of ones home and it is also easily available in the market.

The plant does not require specific care and is considered a good houseplant.

The leaves of this plant can be mashed and taken but the prickly thorns of the leaves must be removed to avoid any problem while consuming.

The liquid-like gel substance can also be squeezed from within the leaves and taken regularly.

The aloe vera extract is also easily available in the market in various forms.

The most common form in which it available is the aloe vera juice which can be taken regularly for a healthy diet.

The extract of aloe is also found to be the main ingredient in lotions, creams and ointments which can be applied on the affected region.

The gel of aloe leaves is also added to cosmetic and beauty products which can also be applied on the skin.

The anti-inflammatory ointments also contain aloe vera gel which helps in reducing inflammation.

The extract of aloe is also found in the form of capsules and tablets.

However, these capsules and tablets should be taken under the supervision of a health advisor under recommended dosages.

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Use Glycerin On The Lesions


Glycerin helps in healing the skin by stimulating cell growth. Moreover, its skin hydrating effect is similar to that of hyaluronic acid , which is one of the best skin moisturizers there is. Thus, glycerin can fare very well in the treatment of dry skin conditions like psoriasis, which has been corroborated by several studies.

How to use:

Apply generous amounts of glycerin to the affected areas and allow it to be absorbed by the skin.

Note: Aloe vera gel or natural plant-derived aloe vera can be used in place of glycerin.

Glycerin can deeply hydrate the skin, enhance its barrier function, and help alleviate psoriasis symptoms like skin dryness, thick leathery patches, as well as erythema or redness.

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Get More Of Omega 3 And Vitamin D

Omega 3 and vitamin D are also cited on internet forums and other platforms as complementary aids for relieving psoriasis symptoms, but there is little to no research backing such claims. Thus, it is vital that you consult your doctor before starting any supplement, no matter how popular it is.

For instance, people have reported good results after taking fish oil supplements, which is rich in omega-3 fatty acids that can help reduce inflammation, ward off infections, while also hydrating the skin and scalp.


  • Your first attempt should be to meet your omega 3 requirement through food sources such as weekly servings of fatty fish or eggs, and supplements should only be considered when dietary intake is not enough. The topical use of vitamin D ointments is a well-recognized treatment modality for psoriasis, but the role of oral supplementation is not well understood. Psoriasis triggers the growth of excess skin cells, which form lesions, but vitamin D application can help slow down this cell proliferation. So, you may also benefit from the dietary intake of this nutrient, especially if you are deficient.
  • Eat foods such as milk and cereals fortified with vitamin D, fish, eggs, yogurt, orange juice, but in recommended amounts.
  • You should spend time in the sun to stimulate the natural production of vitamin D in the skin and opt for supplements if you fail to get your required dosage through other means. Always consult your doctor before starting the supplement.

Combining Withshea Butter And Coconut Oil

It is fine if you cannot combine pure Aloe Vera with other remedies. However, it would work better if you combine itself with Shea butter and organic coconut oil. It does not take you much time to do so. Here is our recipe for you to try.



  • Mix all the ingredients together and stir well.
  • Apply directly on your skin and then massage gently in circles. After 2 minutes, stop massaging.
  • You can use lukewarm water to rinse off after 20 minutes or leave it overnight.
  • Repeat the process on a daily basis
  • Small note: If you do not have Shea butter, you can mix Aloe Vera with lukewarm coconut oil and use as usual. Then rinse off after a few minutes.

It is very easy to follow this recipe. If you have Shea butter, cocoa butter, and natural oils containing vitamin B5 such as jojoba, lavender, vitamin E oil, and evening primrose, calendula, and so on, you can make a great moisturizing cream whose purpose is to deal with psoriasis. Hopefully, it works well in your own situation.

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Heals Sunburn And Soothes The Skin

Because of the cooling properties of Aloe Vera, it helps you to soothe your irritated skin because of sunburn, any kind of rashes, infection, redness and itchiness. Also the anti-fungal properties of Aloe Vera< span style=font-weight: 400 > cures inflammation skin issues like heat boils and cysts in summer. Aloe vera gel is a very important ingredient for you daily summer skin care routine.

Aloe Vera Gel For Psoriasis

Aloe Vera Gel Pure Juice

Aloe for Psoriasis in gel form can help alleviate and control the symptoms of psoriasis in the following ways

  • Research has shown aloe vera to be effective in treating inflammatory diseases. As one of the first symptoms of most types of psoriasis is inflammation of the affected area, a timely application of Aloe vera gel will reduce the swelling and sensation of burning, and help to clear it up in only a few days.
  • During outbreaks of psoriasis, the skin can become dry, causing it to contract and split, which can be very painful. A one-time application of Aloe vera gel will help to rapidly rehydrate the skin as well as soothe any irritation. A note of warning here though, repeated use of aloe vera as a moisturizer can actually lead to your skin dehydrating at a faster rate than normal, according to research conducted in 2014.
  • A study conducted in 2015 foud that, thanks to a chemical compound called glucomannan found in aloe vera, it has healing properties which can accelerate healing time for cuts and sores. If the skin is cracked and bleeding due to psoriasis, aloe vera gel will help it heal.
  • Shampoos containing aloe vera for scalp psoriasis hav been shown to be effective.

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Q Does Aloe Vera Gel Have An Odor

A. Fresh aloe vera sap, a yellowish juice that surrounds the gel inside the leaves, can have a pungent odor somewhat reminiscent of onions or sweat, but the gel itself is nearly odorless. Its best to choose an aloe vera gel without unnecessary fragrance, although some products formulated with essential oils may smell like that oil.

As A Hair Conditioner Or Scalp Treatment

Aloe vera has been used as a hair and scalp treatment for centuries. The plant contains a number of nutrients that are beneficial for hair health, including vitamins A, C, and E. Aloe vera can be used as a conditioner by itself or mixed with other ingredients. When used as a scalp treatment, aloe vera can help to soothe dryness, itchiness, and inflammation. The plants gel can also promote hair growth by increasing circulation to the scalp. To use aloe vera as a hair conditioner, mix the gel with water and apply it to damp hair. Leave the mixture on for 15 minutes before rinsing with warm water. To use aloe vera as a scalp treatment, massage the gel into the scalp and leave it on for 30 minutes before shampooing.

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Does Psoriasis Increase The Risk Of Cancer

Having psoriasis can predispose you to cancer due to the chronic inflammation associated with the disease. The risk of developing cancer also increases with the use of UV light and immune-suppressive medications for therapy.

An increase in the prevalence of factors such as obesity and smoking that are well-known factors for carcinogenesis also contributes to the development of cancer in patients who have psoriasis.

Are There Any Known Side Effects

D.I.Y. Aloe Vera Hair Mask for Scalp Psoriasis

Aloe vera drinks have an array of side effects which can vary in intensity from drink to drink and from person to person.

Provided that the drinks are made properly by being decolorized, there are still some concerns. As stated previously, aloe drinks can cause diarrhea. Its important to remember that even if a drink is a helpful digestive aid, getting diarrhea is a matter of drinking too much.

Furthermore, the immune modulation properties which aloe vera has can be a problem. While some people might find that an aloe vera drink helps them to manage their inflammation, others might find that it prevents them from fighting off infections.

There isnt a way of knowing which outcome you will have until you drink the aloe. For people who are already immunocompromised, avoiding aloe drinks is a good idea. For those with autoimmune diseases, aloe is a gamble.

There is a small amount of evidence which suggests aloe vera drinks might be helpful for people with psoriasis in some situations. But the clinical efficacy is lacking. The evidence that there is was not derived from a large and randomized controlled clinical trial, so it does not meet the gold standard for treatments.

Even the nutrients contained in aloe vera drinks may not be as appealing to consume as you might think. The vera forms tiny knots while it is digested owing to its gelatinous properties. This prevents many of the nutrients within vera from making it into where the body needs them.

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How To Usealoe Vera For Psoriasis

One of the easiest ways to use aloe vera for psoriasis is to just apply a pure aloe vera gel cream to your skin three times per day, as recommended by National Psoriasis Foundation. This is a good year-round, daily option. When you are having an outbreak that is causing real irritation, they recommend upgrading to a cream designed for psoriasis that has at least 0.5% aloe vera gel. Many doctors recommend using hydrocortisone cream with aloe vera added in. It is important to be aware, however, that long term use of hydrocortisone cream can actually work to have the opposite effect and irritate your skin with too frequent of use. That is why you should only use it as needed.

Its also worth noting that oral forms of aloe vera gel like juice and tablets have not been shown to be an effective way of using aloe vera for psoriasis treatment so just stick with the topical options.

Side Effects And Cautions

While considered safe in topical form when used as directed, the Food and Drug Administration doesnt regulate aloe vera products. This means that its up to you, the consumer, to use aloe vera safely and to report any adverse skin reactions to your doctor.

You may also consider steering clear of aloe vera if you have a severe burn or other significant wounds. In fact, theres even some evidence that aloe may decrease your skins natural ability to heal from deep wounds related to surgery.

Some users may experience itching or slight burning as the aloe vera goes to work in your skin. However, if you experience a rash or hives, you could have a sensitivity to the gel and should stop using it immediately.

Dont use aloe vera gel on infected skin. While the gel has microbial properties, its protective layer can disrupt the healing process and make an infection worse.

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Aloe Vera With Witch Hazel Menthol And Clove Oil

  • Mix ½ teaspoon each of witch hazel, vitamin E oil, clove oil, menthol, tea tree oil, pine tar, and cedar leaf oil.
  • Stir in 1 teaspoon of aloe vera gel.
  • Apply on the affected area and massage gently in circles for 2 minutes.
  • Leave on for few hours or overnight.
  • Rinse with lukewarm water and towel-dry.
  • Repeat once a day.

# Does Honey Work For Psoriasis

Aloe After Sun Vera Gel Pure Juice

The health of psoriasis patients can be improved by external applications of honey, but not completely cured.

Since it has an internal origin, any external treatment will only reduce the symptoms we observe.

In any case, honey relieves the discomfort caused by psoriasis because it soothes the skin, reduces inflammation, promotes skin regeneration, and protects the damaged skin from possible infections caused by germ activity.

This is due to the antimicrobial and antifungal properties of honey.

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